- The annual tuition and other fees for the candidates will be as fixed by “Shikshan Shulk Samiti, Mumbai”. The changes if any in the fees will be notified later and will be binding on the candidates. The admission shall be confirmed only after payment of the fees. Approved by Shikshan Shulk Samiti.
- The candidates should take admission by paying necessary tuition fee and should have to submit original certificates before he/she applies for cancellation. In case of candidates fails to submit any of the original documents within the allowed time, the admission shall be treated as a cancelled and refund of fees shall not be Applicable to such candidates.
- If candidates desires to cancel his/her admission for any reason whatsoever after the admission procedure is completed, he/she will be allowed to do so. Such a candidates should apply for cancellation in Performa- ‘C’.
- The candidate cancelling admission shall not be entitled any refund. If during the course of studies a candidate desires to discontinue studies for any reason whatsoever, he/she shall be allowed to do so and it shall be presumed that Admission is cancelled at that stage.
- If the Admission is cancelled on or before the completion of sixty (60) days form the start of Admission year the original school/leaving certificate on the strength of which the candidate was admitted shall be returned.
- If the admission is cancelled after the completion of 60 days from the start of admission year, the leaving certificate from the college will be issued. A true copy of the original school of college leaving certificate retained by the institute may be issued, if requested therefore by the candidate, dually attested by head of institute.
- After the confirmation of admission, the original school leaving school certificate on the strength of which the candidate is admitted shall not be handed over to the candidate unless as per the provision of these rules.
- As per the Maharashtra Prohibition of ‘Ragging Act 1999; Ragging with in or out side of the educational institute is prohibited. If any student is found to do so he/she shall be dismissed from the educational institute and such a student shall not be admitted in any other educational institution for a period of five years from the date of order of such a dismissal. Also he/she will be punished as per the provision made under the said Act.
- A head of institute may verify the antecedent of the candidates through the appropriate police authority.
- if any of the statements made in application from or any information supplied by the candidate in the connection with his/her admission is, at any time, found to be false or incorrect, such candidate shall not be considered for admission and if already admitted, his/her admission shall be cancelled, fees forfeited and he/she may be expelled from the institute by the principal and prosecuted by the govt., if deemed necessary . an appeal against order of expulsion, however, may be preferred within eight(8) days from the date of expulsion, to “Director of Technical Education Maharashtra State, Mumbai.” Whose decision in such case shall final.
- Students while studying in the institute, if found indulging in anti-national, anti-college, misbehavior, malpractice activities he/she shall be expelled from the institute.
Cancellation of Admission and refund of fees :-
Conduct and discipline :-